Let's start the project
I’ve got a domain for that project. Domain is ac.tivi.st
. I think so good that is good name for a calendar/event application project.
I’ll use AWS platform for cloud requirement. Besides, each service’s project structure will be clean architecture style.
As the first step, I want to create a simple working version.
- I’ve bought domain (tivi.st)
- I’ve created an AWS account.
- I’ve created a terraform.io account for terraform state. (terraform is a provision and management tool for cloud)
- I’ve installed terraform, aws-cli tools.
Domain Setup with Terraform
Firstly, I created new repo for infrastructure. After I applied, terraform project layout like below;
└── aws
├── modules
│ ├── cognito-userpool
│ ├── eks-cluster
│ └── vpc
└── providers
├── 010-route53
├── 020-vpc
├── 030-eks
└── 040-cognito-userpool
First I’ve created DNS setup for tivi.st
resource "aws_route53_zone" "main" {
name = "tivi.st"
resource "aws_route53_record" "blog" {
zone_id = aws_route53_zone.main.zone_id
name = "hack"
type = "CNAME"
ttl = "1800"
records = ["ac-tivi-st.github.io."]
output "namespaces" {
description = "domain ns"
value = join(",", aws_route53_zone.main.name_servers)
The terraform supports workspaces for environments (dev, staging, prod etc…)
Firstly, you need login to terraform.io. After for remote state management you need below lines.
terraform {
backend "remote" {
organization = "{your-organization}"
workspaces {
prefix = "{your-prefix}-"
terraform commands:
$ terraform login
$ terraform workspace new <ENV>
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
Tip: If you want to keep terraform state only, you should change Execution Mode
as local
at https://app.terraform.io/app/{your-organization}/workspaces/{your-prefix}-dev/settings/general address.
Next Steps
We will continue with development the project.